
This is the download-section for the five progress reports documenting the so called Intellectual Outputs within the GreenSkill4Vet-Project. Please note: The Learning Units themselves can be found in the section RESULTS of these pages. Right here, you can find out, how research was conducted and how the exemplary learning-materials (Open Educational Ressources) for Logistics and Health Care were developed.
Authors: Mrs. Gabriele Winkler from BFI OÖ (Berufsförderungsinstitut Oberösterreich), Linz, Austria
Intellectual Output 1 is the Comparative Analysis Report (CAR). This project is aiming at embedding Sustainable Development (in its 3 dimensions economic, environmental and social) in professional training and teaching. Analysing the curricula and regulations of the two exemplary professional sectors Logistics and Health Care in each of the five European partner countries was the first step. The objective: Identify sustainability-specific issues already featured in vocational education and training (VET) on the one hand but also blind spots on the other.
Authors: Prof. Dr. Leonidas Gomatos from ASPETE, Patras, Greece
Intellectual Output 2 is titled Reference Framework for Green Skills in VET (IO2: FGSVET). It features Categories, Competencies and Criteria constituting the framework for the development of the sustainablity-related GrennSkills4VET-units for Logistics and Health Care. It features the key findings concerning the research on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), a grid of competencies for both these sectors and the first drafts of the Learning Units to be developed as Open Educational Resources (OER) in the next phase of the project (in IO4). For your information: Please find the Units themselves in the Results-Section of these pages.
Authors: Christian Scheiding from University Kassel, Germany
The Manual ("How to create relevant OER") is the third Intellectual Output and the first product to later be part of the "Toolbox", the final result of the GreenSkills4VET-Project. Teachers and trainers in VET (Vocational Education and Training) are the main Target-Group of the Manual, which provides Information about the new circumstances for teaching and learning given by the combination of Sustainability-Contents and available Open Educational Resources. It covers rather basic questions ("What is OER?"), further reading information and will later be completed by the lessons learned while practically working on the specific OER-Units.
Authors: Matteo Sgarzi from Céreq, Marseille, France
Intellectual Output 4 is titled Development and Evaluation of OER. In this fourth phase of the project, the OER produced in IO2 were substantiated in detail for use in lessons, tested at the training institutions and finalised, whereby open access to the resources should once again be emphasised. The IO4 – Development and evaluation of OER teaching and learning material report describes in detail the tests carried out by the various partners for the evaluation and revision of the learning units.
Authors: Prof. Dr. Christel Kumbruck and Alexander Piwowar from University of Applied Science, Osnabrück, Germany
The guidance contained in this paper - IO5 – Optimal use of the GreenSkills4VET-LearnBox (An introduction) is intended to provide information relating to conclusion of the project and, above all, has been written to provide an overview of the LearnBox and how it is used. The aim is to provide an orientation to readers who are interested in the learning units we have produced as Open Educational Resources (OER), and to offer specific guidance on how to use the resources, the background, practical experiences gained in the creation and testing stages, as well as information for readers interested in creating their own OER.


The articles about Learning ...
Authors: Christel Kumbruck, Henrik Peitsch, Gabriele Winkler
This article examines key aspects of sustainability and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The article also describes our own process of development regarding this topic. In the first phase of the project, (see Report IO1), data collection was carried out by way of Desk Research in the partner countries to develop the OER teaching materials. Existing curricula, lesson plans, and selected textbooks were reviewed with regard in light of how the concept of sustainability was understood (AESD, ESD). In addition, research also included examining the scope of the implementation of Open Educational Materials (OER) in training for apprenticeships. The Greenskills4VET project has developed prototypes of innovative educational materials as for the implementation of sustainability skills for apprenticeships in the sectors of logistics (for future specialists in the areas of shipping and logistics) as well as in health care (for nursing and care work). These materials are available as Open Educational Materials (OER) for free terms of use.
Authors: Alexander Piwowar
Based upon carrying out our GreenSkills4VET-Multiplier-Events, we have collected the most important cornerstones in this text. They can serve you as some mandatory advice when it comes to organizing your own event. The primary aim of an Erasmus+ Multiplier-Event is to win a certain group of experts for sharing the intellectual outputs you have produced during the two- or three-year effort of your project. This way, you want to disseminate the projects’ products among further interested stakeholders – in a kind of snowball principle.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.